As you all may know, I'm a huge advocate of keeping a closet organized, knowing what’s in it and shopping from it.
The start of this year is different because I’m transitioning from having a growing belly but I still managed to organize and get rid of clothes I know I’m not going to wear after I lose the baby weight. Also, during this post I’ll share some quick tips for you to not only clean out your closet but give it a small makeover.
First, I start by color coding my tops since I have so many. I also like to start the middle of my closet off with black because it’s a quick grab, it’s also the color that I wear the most, especially for work. Below where I have my pants, I place my most worn pants in the middle as well. On the right side I have my outerwear, and my longer garments like dresses and jumpsuits.

As for shoes, I do a pretty cool job by keeping them in their original boxes. I’ve mentioned in previous posts that placing the shoes back in the box after you wear them actually helps the longevity of the shoes. For the shoes that I’ve purchased without boxes and shoes that I wear very often I have some side shelves inside the closet wear I’m able to quickly choose from.
Do you still have all of those colorful hangers in your closet?
Sis we’re no longer teenagers! We need to upgrade to just one solid color or convert them over to the velvet hangers. The velvet hangers not only give your closet a classy look but the clothes also have a better grip on the hanger itself. For my purchase of velvet hangers I've gotten the best deals from , Marshall's, and TJ Maxx.

Not enough space for your scarves and belts? These storage bins have been lifesavers to my clutter of accessories. I’ve found the best deals on storage bins from the Family Dollar store and At Home.
Don’t forget to set aside bags where you can donate and or resell your clothes, shoes, and handbags that you no longer want. (picture of unwanted items)

So, you want to sell your good stuff? Try out websites Poshmark, Tradesey, The Real Real, don’t sleep on facebook market or if you have your own website! I personally use Poshmark and my own website, or my Instagram and Facebook stories (insert kanye shrug here)
I hope these tips help you stay organized and put you on a good start to having a functioning and purposeful closet! For more closet organizing and styling tips be sure to check out my style guide Back To The Basics!